Thursday, March 29, 2007

Green Party of Nova Scotia Succeeds!

Well, there has been a victory for the GPNS and democracy in Nova Scotia. It's small, but it's a start.

The government had created a election funding law that gave each registered party (there are 4 of them) $1.50/vote, which is perfectly fair because it had no minimum threshold or anything like that. BUT, they had a clause where any registered party that had more than 15% of the vote could take an option to receive $125,000 in a lump sum and $0.90/vote. Now, there is only one party that is less than 15% of the vote, and that's the Greens. It was a blatant attempt to discriminate against a new party.

However, we got the Government to amend the law yesterday, striking down the 15% minimum by claiming it was unconstitutional. We now have access to the second option, giving us a unique opportunity to invest in the party's infrastructure. As well, as Mike Tipping pointed out to me, this also gives us funding to start up door-to-door canvassing, which not only gets our message out, but raises money too.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pedestrians are worth $387.50 (at least in Halifax)

Okay, this is something that REALLY pisses me off. A 14 year old girl was hit by a car on a cross walk. She was hospitalized, but will most likely recover.

So, what does the man (who was an 84 year old) face for this? Does he face attempted man slaughter, or maybe something small like dangerous operation of a motor vehicle? Hell no. Does he get his license revoked? Not according to the article.

No, he gets a fine for $387.50. He hits someone on a cross walk, and that is it. If he doesn't even have to get re-tested to keep his driver's license it will be criminal.

Much like that girl who was killed in Dartmouth on a cross walk by a car. Another car had stopped to let the young girl cross, then this woman drives around the stopped car, hits the girl and kills her. She doesn't face ANY jail time.

Am I the only person that thinks that this is STUPID?

Then you have intersections where the cross walks are not marked on the pavement, but for those of us who have taken a driving class, we know that a cross walk exists at every street intersection. I almost got hit by a car at the intersection of College and Summer St. (the intersection near the parking lot for the Carleton (Med School) Campus), as they don't stop there because it's not painted on the road.

Personally, I plan on looking into who's jurisdiction this law falls under, and if it's provincial, it's going to make its way into the GPNS policy if I have my way. Before more kids loose their lives at cross walks because drivers are too ignorant of what's going on around them.